Most of the Egyptian movies studied showed women enjoying a comfortable economic situation, a situation which does not reflect reality for most Egyptian women. These results confirm the findings of another study, where it was found that television dramas are directed towards the middle-upper and the upper classes alone.
Current findings were consistent with those from previous outbreaks and natural disasters such as after Hurricane Katrina , the outbreaks of Ebola in West Africa , and cholera . IPV is a deeply rooted public health problem in the Arab world that is expected to be on rise following the COVID-19 pandemic .
- Although similar studies are scarce, yet, different worldwide reports from the WHO and countries such as China, Italy, Brazil, France, Germany, the UK, the USA, Australia, Lebanon, and Malaysia indicate the escalation of IPV during COVID-19 lockdown .
- Based on a prevalence of IPV of 37% in the World Health Organization Eastern Mediterranean region , and 5% confidence limits, the minimum required sample size at 97% confidence level was 439 women.
- Islam provided women with rights that men must fulfill upon them, such as the dowry, inheritance, and financial maintenance in divorce, and condemned the practice of female infanticide and abuse.
He also said that those who had three daughters and supported them and showed them mercy was guaranteed Paradise (Al-Albani), and his only form of lineage was through his daughter Fatima. His wife Khadija was also the first to convert to Islam, and was a prominent and wealthy businesswoman of higher economic position than her husband. It is generally accepted that Islam changed the structure of Arab society and to a large degree unified the people, reforming and standardizing gender roles throughout the region.
Arab women news
The studies conducted in Yemen have used the Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy- Breast (FACT-B) questionnaire to assess the QOL . Other questionnaires were used in two studies conducted in Egypt namely the Breast Impact of Treatment Scale and Linear Analogue Self-Assessment Scales . This paper is the first that reviewed published research on quality of life among Arab women with breast cancer. There is irony in the fact that women are charged with fixing the problem of inequality, a problem they did not cause. The bottom line is that gender equality is better for all, and women’s rights are a critical, non-negotiable prerequisite for any peaceful and prosperous future. Women in the region have long been fighting on many fronts—in their homes and on the streets—and have been especially vocal and active since the beginning of the 2011 Arab uprisings.
Being one of the hidden consequences of the lockdown, IPV has been increasingly reported as a public health issue of concern . The current work investigated IPV among a sample of Arab married women during the COVID-19 lockdown. Ever exposure to any type of IPV was recorded by half of women surveyed (49.2%). Current findings were in line with those reported by Elghossain et al. , in their systematic review on the prevalence of IPV in the Arab world. The reported rates of ever exposure reached up to 59% for physical violence; 40% for sexual violence; and the highest was the psychological violence (up to 91%). empowers every person & organization to do Good by offering community information, expertise and new opportunities to connect, collaborate, and campaign. NGO DirectoryExplore thousands of civil society organizations across the MENA region. We endeavor to strengthen the Democratic voice of Arab American community through education, civic engagement, social action and electoral politics. The firm will shortly close its second fund and has supported 44 Series-A focused companies, of which more than 30% are led by women founders. Global Ventures strives for female inclusion in all aspects – funds, founders, its own team and LPs – and this track record is actively inviting a narrative shift in the region’s male-centric venture capital industry.
Women in the Arab world
Einab, a matronly 60-year-old in a black abaya, washes vegetables in a restaurant in Baghdad, taking home 20,000 dinars ($13.70) a day. Zeinab gets by because her boss gives her leftovers—mostly oily food, she says—from the restaurant. Thursday is the only day of the week she and her daughters eat fruit, since that is when people in her neighbourhood give away food for charity. She is a recipient of many international awards, including the Excellence in Science award from the Global Thinkers Forum , and the National Reward Medal by His Majesty Mohamed VI, the King of Morocco . In 2014, Muslim Science ranked Dr. Elouafi among the 20 Most Influential Women in Science in the Islamic World under the Shapers category, and the CEO-Middle East Magazine listed her among the World’s 100 Most Powerful Arab Women in the Science category.
They are usually characters who are weak, oppressed or are included for their perceived exotic beauty, according to the Geena Davis Institute. Having headscarf-wearing family members myself who compete in a variety of sports, I was saddened to read the author conclude that “in any case, headscarves and clothes that cover the female body make public exercise cumbersome”. I cannot imagine how disillusioned this could make young hijab-wearing aspiring athletes feel.
Inability to find such employers may limit women’s labor force participation. Yet the expectation that men should suffer in poor job conditions because they are not recognized as primary caregivers is a policy that affects both men and women. Women’s work and participation in production and development is not adequately recognized; moreover, it is not sufficiently compensated to enable their economic independence.
Among the quality of lifestudies in cancer patients, breast cancer has received most attention. This review reports on quality of life in Arab patients with breast cancer. In a recent study on the impact of media in the formation of cultures, Lina Khatib noted that Egyptian movies portray women as sexual objects. In addition, the movies tend to reinforce the idea that although women bear many social difficulties, they cannot take leading positions. The results showed that a lack of concern for women’s level of education appeared in 72% of the characters. All of the movies tended to place women in an uncompetitive level educationally; such representations surely discourage women’s advancement in higher education and participation in political life.